Dark Slivers: Seeing Nirvana In The Shards Of Incesticide

Paperback — eBook

Publisher: Running Water Press

Think You Know Nirvana?

Think Again...

IN 1992, fresh from the colossal success of Nevermind, Nirvana released Incesticide. To some, this odd little album was just a loose collection of B-sides and outtakes cobbled together to cash in on the band's newfound fame. But to many others it offered a truer reflection of Nirvana — a glimpse into the dark soul of a band reclaiming its punk roots.


This isn't another biography of Kurt Cobain or a story book about how a band from Seattle changed music in the 1990s. Instead, through the dark slivers of Incesticide, Nirvana's most neglected release, this work penetrates the surface drama of the band's career to dissect the tightly bound ideas that unite their songs.


On the twentieth anniversary of Incesticide's release, this extraordinary book reveals the hidden structures and meanings threaded through some of the most important rock music ever made.